
Andrés Obando Valverde

Andrés Obando Valverde

Patient Demographics: Children, Adult, Elderly

"A great number of our daily life experiences depend on an adequate function of our senses. The illnesses of the nose, ears and throat range from mild to severe, all of which affect our ability to enjoy our life."

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  • Clínica Sinus CenterSan Rafael, Escazú, San José, Costa Rica
    Next to CIMA Hospital Building Avenida Médica. Floor 5. Office 521.

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Procedures (74)

Closure of cerebrospinal fluid leaks
Endoscopic surgery of tumors of the skull base
Sinus Surgery
Surgery for dysphonia
Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy
General Inquiry
Abnormal ear growth surgical removal
Abnormal paranasal sinus growth surgical removal
atrial fistulectomy
Auricular biopsy
Biopsy puncture
Branchial cyst resection
Cervicofacial surgery cyst or fistula
Neck Surgery
Cirugía de colesteatoma
Cricopharyngeal dilatation
cricopharyngeal myotomy
Lacrimal duct obstruction surgery
Diagnostic sleep study
Endoscopy of vocal cords
External ear canal stenosis surgery
facial nerve surgery
House visit
Imperforate ear canal surgery
Laryngeal dilation
Laryngeal excision and abscess drainage
larynx biopsy
Laser cordectomy endoscopic microsurgery
Lateral pharyngeal abscess surgery
Lingual tonsillectomy
Lymph node biopsy
Middle ear surgery
Myringoplasty and tympanic tube placement
Nasal and aesthetic nasal surgery without nasal packing
Nasal biopsy
Nasal septoplasty
Nasal surgery
nasofaringolaringea Endoscopy
nasopharyngeal angiofibroma surgery
Online Medicine
Oral cavity biopsy
Orbital decompression
Orosinusal fistula surgery
Repair of ossicular chain
Otorhinolaryngology Campaign
Palatal implants
Peritonsillar abscess surgery
Pharynx biopsy
Radiofrequency palate
Radiofrequency turbinate
Resection of laryngeal nodules
resection of papillomas
Resection of thyroglossal
Surgery for abcess on the floor of the mouth
Surgery for dysphagia
Surgery tongue base
Suspension hyoid
Thyroglossal duct cyst and fistula surgery
Thyroid surgery
Total laryngectomy
Tracheal fistula surgery
Tracheal tumor surgery
Turbinate surgery
tympanic tubes
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Medical conditions (46)

Hearing loss
Laryngitis (loss of voice)
Acoustic neuroma (benign inner ear tumor)
Adenoid infection
Body instability
Broken nose
Chronic rhinitis
Clogged tear duct
Difficulty swallowing
Dust allergy
Ear infection
Ear infection (otitis media)
Ear pain
Facial paralysis
Glossitis (tongue soreness)
Head and Neck Cancer
Hearing loss
Hearing Problems
Inability to cry
Involuntary eye movement
Larynx cancer
Mite allergy
Nasal polyp growths
Nasal septum deviation
Node in neck
Nodes in neck
Orbital infection
Otalgia (ear pain)
Sleep apnea
Sleep disorders
Stuffy nose
Sudden deafness
Swallowing pain
Swollen tongue
Throat ache
Throat infection
Show all medical conditions

General Info

About me

My main objective is to guide, educate, treat and rehabilitate in a simple manner, with real expectations to the patient who is suffering from illnesses related to the nose, ears and throat.


English, Español


  • Specialty in Otorhinolaryngology. Universidad de Costa Rica - CENDEISSS. 2005
  • Symposium of Endoscopic Ear Surgery. ASCORL. San Jose Costa Rica.

    October 2017

  • Annual Meeting and Oto Expo, American Academy Otolaryngology-HNS, Chicago, U.S.A.

    September 2017

  • Day of Update in Nasosinusal Surgery "Dr. Roy Casiano". San José Costa Rica

    March 2017

  • Masters of Phonosurgery of the Americas. Mexico DF. Mexico.

    March 2017

  • Sixth Advanced Course of Nasosinusal Endoscopic Surgery and Skull Base. Jacksonville, Florida.

    August 2016

  • Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Advanced Course. A learning Curve Booster. Chicago. U.S.A.

    May 2016

  • 7th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Skull Base and Brain. Chicago. U.S.A.

    May 2016

  • International Symposium on Vestibular Disorders. Mexico DF. Mexico.

    August 2015

  • VIII Central American Multidisciplinary Symposium on Allergic and Skin Diseases - San Jose, Costa Rica

    April 2015

  • Endoscopic Surgery of the Sinuses, Eustachian Tube and Ear. Harvard Medical School. Boston, U.S.A.

    March 2015

  • 6th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base and Spine. Milano, Italy.

    April 2014

  • IX Inter-American Congress of Pediatric Otolaryngology. San Jose Costa Rica.

    April 2014

  • Advanced surgical techniques for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. Saint Louis University, St. Louis, USA UU

    March 2014

  • First meeting of the Dandy Division of Skull Base Surgery. Sait Luis, U.S.A.

    March 2014

  • XXV Central American Congress of Otolaryngology and Surgery. ALLF, San José, Costa Rica.

    May 2013

  • 5th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain, Skull Base and Spine. Vienna, Austria.

    April 2012

  • VI Central American Congress of Neurosurgery. Managua Nicaragua.

    March 2011

  • Diploma Degree

    Latin American Diploma of Laryngology, Phonosurgery and Reconstruction of the Airway - National Autonomous University. Mexico. 2015 - 2016

  • Internship

    International Visiting Scholar, Department of Otolaryngology, UPMC, Pittsburgh, USA

  • Internship

    Visiting Scholar, Department of Otolaryngology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA

  • Internship

  • Postgraduate Degree

    Specialty in Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital Mexico, San José, Costa Rica


  • Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica cod. MED6142Active

    Medic and Surgeon - Costa Rica

  • Graduated with Honors of Specialty in Otolaryngology - Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica
  • Doctor of Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at Hospital México, Costa Rica. Since 2005
  • Professor of Otolaryngology Residency Program at Hospital México, Costa Rica
  • Professor of Medicine at Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Professor of Medicine at Universidad de Ciencias Médicas, Costa Rica
  • Obando A. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la enfermedad de Meniere: La descompresión del sano endolinfático. Revista Neuroeje abril 2006, Vol 20.
  • Mariño FS, Alobid I, Guilemany JM, Obando A, Mullol J. Tratamiento médico y quirúrgico de la poliposis nasal. Efecto sobre el asma. Rev Rinol 2009: 9(1);26-32.
  • Obando A, Alobid I, Mariño F, Guilemany J, Mullol J. Manejo quirúrgico de la hipertrofia de los cornetes inferiors: revision de la literatura. Rev Rinol 2009: 9(2); 14-8.
  • Obando A, Alobid I, Gastón F, Berenguer J, Marín C, Mullol J. Should viral anosmia be further investigated?. Allergy 2009; 64:1556-7.
  • Mullol J, Obando A, Pujols L, Alobid I. Corticosteroid Treatment in Chronic Rhinosinusitis. The Possibilities and The limits. En: Chronic rhinosinusitis. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am 2010; 29(4): 657-68.
  • Vega A, Arias M, Obando-Valverde A, Chaverri J. Clinical Characteristics of deaf children in Costa Rica. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010;143 (2), supppl P226.
  • Hernandez Duran S, Obando Valverde A, Esquivel Miranda MA. Remisión bioquímica de pacientes acromegálicos sometidos a cirugía. Revista medica de la Universidad de Costa Rica. 2014; 8(2): 44-51